How To Boost Your Memory

Is brain like a sleve? Try these clever tips t ensure you never forget again.

Take A Mental Journeyt

Mentally walk through your home and identify things you see regularly, such as a door knocker, vase of flowers, and the cat's bed.
Practice visualising these feature carefully.
Now if your shopping list consists of bread milk and butter link each item to one of these features. For example bread in the letterbox
milk in the vase and butter in the cat's bes. The next time you visualise walking through your home you'll recall each item.

Double Your Shut-eye

Getting a good night's sleep before an important event might not be enough. Research shows that we sleep for our memory to be at its best.
A study showd memory loss occurs if we have disturbed sleep on either of the two nights followind a study session.
So make sure you catch 80 winks not 40.

Be A Teacher
According to a study those who imagine explaining and conveying material to others as they learn retain more information. Have to learn a presentation by heart? Imagine explaining the conecpt in detail to a friend.

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