Forehead Acne

Acne is a common skin disorder and hence, every person has to deal with it, at some point of his life. Acne is scientifically known as acne vulgaris. It is caused when the skin pores get blocked with either the dead skin cells or excessive oil secretion. Various causes of acne lead to different types of acne. Due to the variety in its causes, one can experience acne onslaught anywhere on his entire body, which makes it all the more annoying and disturbing. Forehead acne is one such thing that many people have to come across. Many people experience the trouble of forehead acne, with pain and its ugly appearance. Before learning how to get rid of forehead acne, we must firstly concentrate on the things that cause the forehead acne.

Forehead Acne Symptoms

As forehead is one of the most exposed parts of our face, the skin pores of the forehead are constantly on the verge of getting affected by dust and other pollutants. This exposure blocks the skin pores and leads to the formation of blackheads and whiteheads. These blackheads and whiteheads then get converted into acne. Sometimes, acne is found in the form of several red spots on the forehead, which later on get converted into fluid filled cysts. This fluid is nothing but the fatty acids, which are excessively secreted by the body. If such acne is neglected, then it could get aggravated to form cystic acne. Cystic acne takes time to get completely cured and and it also leaves acne scars. Acne scars are not only bad for the beauty conscious people, but they also work negatively on the self esteem of a person.

Forehead Acne Causes

One of the main reasons for forehead acne is the dandruff and/or oily hair. Other than that, the causes of forehead acne are not very different than the other types of acne. Hormonal changes can also lead to acne on forehead. Sudden hormonal changes can also lead to acne attacks. Adolescence and youth are the two stages of life which experience immense hormonal changes and as a result, it is the prime time when one suffers from forehead acne. The acne caused by hormonal changes takes a severe form, when that person enters into his youth. But most of the experts claim that such types of acne fade away, by the time the person gets into his mid twenties. Hormonal change is also a reason why some women suffer with forehead acne while pregnancy and/or during their menstrual cycle.

Another things leading to forehead acne are - skin infections and usage of oily cosmetics. Some skin care products contain harmful chemicals and excessive amount of oil, which provoke the oil secretion of the skin pores, leading to forehead acne. Using medications like birth control pills, is also a well known reason behind the acne on forehead. On the other hand, consuming unhealthy diet, consisting higher amount of fatty foods can lead to forehead acne, as it causes the blocking of skin pores. It is also said that forehead acne is caused due to some genetic factors. People who have a heredity of acne attacks, are more prone to get affected by the acne on forehead. While, higher levels of stress is also a contributing factor, which causes forehead acne. I hope you are now well aware about the causes of acne. Well, now, let's get to know about how to get rid of forehead acne.

Forehead Acne treatment

After knowing what causes forehead acne, the next obvious question is how to get rid of forehead acne? Well, there are a few best acne treatments that work equally great for treating the forehead acne. One of the best ways to get rid of forehead acne is to use a few home treatments for acne. If you are suffering from acne on forehead due to dandruff, then getting rid of the dandruff should be your main concern. There are a few home remedies for dandruff, to help you in getting rid of the dandruff.

Secondly, you should also work towards unclogging the skin pores. It is a good way of acne prevention. The best way to do so is to cleanse the skin with a good quality cleanser. It would be further more better, if you take hot water steam on your face. After taking adequate amount of steam, scrub off the face with a gentle facial scrub. After you wash off the scrub, make sure you apply a toner on the skin. Never forget to repeat this procedure at least thrice a day. Read on acne treatment at home as well.

You can also use some homemade acne masks for acne treatment and acne prevention. There are various natural skin care products, which are easily available at your home. For instance, the sandalwood paste and the black gram paste! Mix equal amounts of sandalwood paste and black gram paste in rose water and add a hint of turmeric into it. Mix it well and then apply it on the face. Let this face mask dry completely and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This face mask is also very useful for acne scar removal.

Treating the root cause which leads to acne is the best method of acne control. Well, this was all about the 'forehead acne'. I hope now you all are well aware about the causes and treatment of the forehead acne! Take care and stay beautiful!
By Rutuja Jathar

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Sensitive Teeth Home Remedy

If on consumption of something cold, sour or hot, the person is left with a slight twitch of pain to severe electric sensation radiating through the oral cavity, it is called to be sensitive teeth condition. Sometimes inhaling cold air conduces to tooth discomfort. This pain and discomfort may last for some minutes to few hours, thus, leading to uneasiness and irritation all day.

Such tooth sensitivity is seen mostly in people within the age range of 20 and 40. About 40 million people in the US are apparently affected by this condition. Even the elderly encounter sensitive teeth symptoms, so sensitive teeth is not age biased. The most irking part about sensitive teeth is that it makes eating and drinking cold, sour and hot foods very difficult. This is why one needs to try out a sensitive teeth home remedy that will help control the situation. Read more on sensitive teeth causes.

Home Remedy For Sensitive Teeth

Here is simple sensitive teeth home remedy that will help decrease tooth sensitivity. Though there is no instant sensitive teeth treatment available, following the below mentioned remedies will help alleviate the teeth sensitivity. Read on dental care.

Vertical Brushing
Horizontal brushing of the teeth is not a recommended practice. All of us, sensitive teeth or not should brush in vertical direction. Hold the brush in your mouth and brush with 'up and down' movements. You could also try the circular brushing motion. Just hold your brush at a 45 degree angle and gently brush your teeth in circular fashion. Moreover, always use your fingertips to hold the brush and not your palm. Horizontal brushing only wears out the teeth enamel and conduces to exposure of tooth dentin, thereby, leading to sensitive teeth.

Soft Brushing
Vigorous brushing conduces to wearing out of the outer enamel and results in exposure of inner dentin, due to application of extra pressure on the teeth. It is important to remember that brushing is to be done steadily and slowly, without being aggressive and harsh on the teeth. Moreover, do not forget to use an extra sensitive toothbrush and discard your toothbrush when its bristles begin pointing in different directions.

Fluoride Rinse
People with sensitive teeth need to rinse their mouths once a day with fluoride rinse. People with highly sensitive teeth may need a stronger fluoride rinse than the regular ones available in the local pharmacy. Situations wherein people have gum diseases or dental bone loss and are undergoing root planing treatment, the teeth can end up being left even more sensitive. In such cases, the dentist will apply a strong fluoride gel to counter the problem.

Proper Teeth Cleaning
Sensitive teeth are prone to irritation caused by plaque. Plaque, the sticky substance adhering to the surface of the teeth. This plaque produces an acid that irritates the teeth, thus, making it even more sensitive. To avoid this situation, it is important to clean off the plaque on a daily basis. This may seem quite boring, but, if you want to decrease the sensitivity, then brush twice a day and floss once a day.

Desensitized toothpaste is recommended for sensitive teeth, which comprises two main ingredients: potassium nitrate and strontium chloride. Potassium nitrate will desensitize the nerve roots, such that the pain stimuli does not get transmitted from the pulp to the teeth root. Strontium on the other hand fills up tiny pores in the dentin layer, thereby preventing the pain stimuli from reaching the tooth root. Thus, together these two help reduce teeth sensitivity to a large extent.

Sensitive teeth condition needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, as more the delay, greater will be the sensitivity. If you look at each sensitive teeth home remedy mentioned above, you will find that these are just small corrections we need to make to our brushing habits. Hope this article was helpful and informative!
By Priya Johnson

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Easy to Digest Vegetables and Fruits

How to cope with digestive problems? Taking the required medications may not be sufficient to manage digestive issues effectively. People with digestive disorders such as gastritis, find it difficult to consume certain foods. Also with age, many undesirable changes take place in the digestive system and hence it becomes necessary to modify the diet. To be more specific, a diet that includes easy to digest vegetables and fruits can certainly make things simpler and promote digestive health.

Easily Digestible Vegetables and Fruits
To plan a 'easy to digest diet', it is essential to include easy to digest vegetables and fruits. There are a wide range of choices in foods that go well with the digestive system. Studies show that including high fiber foods will certainly serve the purpose. Also, a high fiber diet provides plenty of health benefits such as it prevents constipation and minimizes the chances of heart diseases and diabetes.

Easy to Digest Vegetables
Looking for vegetables that come in easy to digest food list? Believe it or not, you will be spoiled for choices, as there are a variety of vegetables that can be easily digested. The vegetables mentioned below, also provide high amount of fiber and promote overall health.

  • Broccoli (boiled)
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Artichokes
  • Carrots
  • Brussel sprouts (cooked)
  • Kale
  • Peas
Besides being labeled as 'easier to digest vegetables', an added advantage of vegetables like broccoli and carrots, is that they have a high nutritional value. These vegetables are rich in vitamin A, hence promote a healthy eyesight.

Easily Digestible Vegetables: Raw or Cooked?
Which vegetables does the digestive system find it easier to process? Is it raw or cooked? Studies show that cooked vegetables are a better option, when it comes to making the task of digestive system, simpler. Having raw fruits in the diet, could actually aggravate digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Easy to Digest Fruits
In case, you thought only vegetables are easily digestible and fruits cannot be included in the list of foods easy to digest, due to their sugar content, then you need to do a rethink. There are quite a few fruits, that are not heavy on the digestion system. Some of them are mentioned below:
  • Apples
  • Strawberries
  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Pears
  • Grapefruit
These easy to digest foods also help in maintaining health. Bananas are a good source of complex carbohydrates that supply energy to the body. The breakdown of carbohydrates releases energy which is used by the body to execute various biological processes. Fruits like strawberries and oranges have a high amount of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants prevents cellular damage and keep several diseases at bay.

On the whole, staying away from problem digesting foods is the key to a healthy digestive system. Eating easy to digest vegetables and fruits is the right remedy to ensure optimal functioning of a weakened digestive system. By Nicks J

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Refresh your Beauty Regime

Just a few simple updates can transform and modernize your look-and give you awhole new lease of life.The experts share their beauty- boosting secrets.

Trade the safety of a classic bob for a playful pixie crop or choose a striking shade of lipstick instead of the usual subtle gloss. You’d be surprised at how you can penetrate beyond your reflection in the mirror.
Our outer appearance is deeply bound in with our inner emotions.Here are tips to help you instantly update your look.

Get Curl Conscious

A change in texture is the quickest way to update any hairstyle. Wearing your hair with a loose, relaxed curl immediately lifts your features and gives your overall look a youthful softness.
Stroke a curl-defining lotion through dry hair and twist sections of hair around a heated hair wand.
Avoid looking too “done” by alternating the direction and positioning of your curls, and then finish with a light mist of a holding spray.

Make Matt Matter

Matt nails are one of the biggest trends this season but, instead of investing in a new collection of polishes. Shape your nails, paint with your favourite nail colour and finish with a mattifying top coat.
Keep nails well groomed with this portable kit, which contains a nail file, polish remover sachets and moisturizer.

Experiment With Your Eyes

A smoky eye instantly transforms your appearance but, if you find safety in a palette of neutral colours, this winter’s softer, more wearable, glossy, smoldering look could be for you. Using a fluffy shadow brush, buff a black-fused shade of creamy kohl pencil between lashes, blend with a cotton bud and then finish with a coat of black mascara.

Colour Yourself Beautiful

The way we wear our hairs silently expresses our personality, which makes changing its colour one of the most powerful ways to alter your image. Always visit
a professional for complicated colour changes but, to subtly lift or add depth to your natural shade, semi-permanent home-colour kits are a great way to trial a new look.

Nail-colour confidence

Trying out daring shades is an inexpensive way to modernise your look. Get comfortable by applying this season's rich purples and graphite greys to your toes before moving to finger.

Take A Foundation Course

It's easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to foundation.Refresh your complexion and your look by experimenting with light reflecting properties, add luminosity and create a sheer but flawless finish.

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Top 5 Diet Mistakes To Avoid

1. Dieting to lose weight and not improve your health.
People often forget that what they eat not only affects their weight but also their health. A healthy diet's your mood and energy levels and reduce health risk. If you see your health with greater perspective you will make better food choices and lose weight in the prosess.

2. picking an extreme diet that will not suit your lifestyle. Extreme diets will only allow you to be at your ideal weight for a short time. You will be gaining and then losing weight (the yo-yo effect) which slows your metabolism.

3. Expecting miracles overnight. Stop and think about how long it took you to put on all your extra weight. If you follow a healthy diet and exercise programme you should aim to lose 2 to 4 kg per month.

4. Skipping meals. Skipping meals makes you hungrier at the next one you will fing yourself overeating.

5. Not exercising. Is your skin feeling looser as you're losing weight? This is a sign that you may be losing water and muscle and not only fat.
An exercise programme alongside your diet is the only way to ensure that you are burning fat and keeping your muscles toned.

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How To Boost Your Memory

Is brain like a sleve? Try these clever tips t ensure you never forget again.

Take A Mental Journeyt

Mentally walk through your home and identify things you see regularly, such as a door knocker, vase of flowers, and the cat's bed.
Practice visualising these feature carefully.
Now if your shopping list consists of bread milk and butter link each item to one of these features. For example bread in the letterbox
milk in the vase and butter in the cat's bes. The next time you visualise walking through your home you'll recall each item.

Double Your Shut-eye

Getting a good night's sleep before an important event might not be enough. Research shows that we sleep for our memory to be at its best.
A study showd memory loss occurs if we have disturbed sleep on either of the two nights followind a study session.
So make sure you catch 80 winks not 40.

Be A Teacher
According to a study those who imagine explaining and conveying material to others as they learn retain more information. Have to learn a presentation by heart? Imagine explaining the conecpt in detail to a friend.

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Treat Yourself (Part 2)


Home made carrot soup is an ideal cure for diarrhesa and replenishes all the nutrients you lose. Boil three or four carrots in apan of 15oml of water unit they become soft and fleshy. Add a pinch of salt and bring to the boil. Blend then drink the soup every half an hour or so.
Another remedy to try is dried ginger. Mix a tsp of ginger and a small pinch of salt in 150ml of boiled water and drink. Reapeat every two hours untill you feel better.


Grapes are an ideal remedy for a persistent cough . When eaten, grapes can tone up the lungs and relieve a cough within a couple of days. Alternatively if you mix a glass of grape juice with a teaspoon of honey and drink this every two hours your cough will disappear very quickly. Almonds are very good for a dry cough.
Mix 20 grams of ground almond with 20 grams of sugar and butter and take once in the morning and once in the evening to cure it.


For a more natural remedy for lines under the eyes separate two eggs and spread the whites under the eyes every other night for a week.
For deeper lines cut a green seedless grapes in half and gently crush it onto the wrinkles on your face. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
Another wrinkle buster is the core of a pineapple. Place this flesh side down on the wrinkle and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and repeat every night.

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Neem Oil for Scabies

Scabies is an itchy skin condition, caused due to infection by the ectoparasite, Sarcoptes scabiei. Invisible to our naked eye, this tiny mite can be detected with a magnifying glass. The signs of scabies are superficial burrows in the skin and intense itching at the infested sites. In some people, the symptoms are so severe that they cannot sleep at night. In fact, those who have been through with this skin disorder only know the extent of itching caused by scabies mite.

Though the major reason for causing scabies is poor hygiene, everybody can get infected with scabies mite. And the worst part is that this ectoparasite can spread to other body parts and also, from one infected person to another through direct skin contact. Therapeutic treatment for scabies include applying topical ointments and advocating oral medicines. Nevertheless, there are also scabies home remedies, effective to treat the itching symptoms and kill the causal organism. One such alternative is using neem oil for scabies, which has been practiced as a conventional treatment for many years. Know more on neem oil - natural cure for eczema.

Neem Oil: A Scabies Treatment

Neem oil, extracted from the seeds of Azadirachta indica plant, is bitter in taste, strongly fragrant and light to dark brown in color. It holds a very important place in herbal medicine, especially because of its antibacterial, anti inflammatory and healing properties. This curative action of neem oil is due to presence of high percentage of triterpenoids, triglycerides and other steroid compounds. When applied over the scabies infected areas, it penetrates the skin and kills the mites. Besides this, neem oil relives itching, gives a soothing effect to the skin, reduces pain and prevent secondary infections. Know more on neem oil benefits.

How to Use Neem Oil for Scabies?

Most of the therapeutic medications prescribed for treating scabies are very strong, which at times, result in temporary to long-term side effects. Also, with repeated usage for many years, the scabies mites are already resistant to some medicines. In such cases, it is of no use taking those medicines. Neem oil, on the other hand, is still effective to treat scabies without any adverse effects. You can use neem oil for scabies treatment in the following ways:

Neem Oil in Bathing: In a bathtub filled with water, add some amount of neem leaf tincture (if available) and 2 tablespoons of pure neem oil. Soak yourself in the bathtub for at least 15 minutes. Doing so will give you relief from pain and itching symptoms of scabies. After bath, apply a good quality neem based lotion to treat scabies.

Direct Neem Oil Application: Another effectual method is direct application of concentrated neem oil for scabies management. This will reduce inflammation and provide an instant relief from the discomfort symptoms of scabies. For more effectiveness, it is advisable take saltwater bath before using neem oil topically.

Neem Oil and Turmeric: Using neem oil and turmeric paste for treating scabies has shown prompt results in more than 90 percent patients, within 3 - 15 days. You can take turmeric first and add neem oil drop by drop, while stirring continuously until you get a thick paste. Apply this paste over the scabies infected sites several times a day and your scabies symptoms will be cured within a few days. Know more on skin care.

Neem Oil Products: In case, you cannot get neem oil right away, consider using neem oil soap for scabies. Over-the-counter neem oil capsules are also available in drug stores, which help in combating scabies. But, it is to be borne in mind that neem capsules are temporary treatment alternatives and should not be administered frequently. Know more on neem oil: facts and products.

This way, you can rely on neem oil for scabies cure, rather than going for therapeutic intervention. Practice neem oil treatment for scabies and spare yourself from the harmful effects of chemical formulations, while ensuring a healthy skin. However, if symptoms of scabies do not subside after several days of using neem oil, seek advice from a qualified dermatologist and get necessary treatments. By Ningthoujam Sandhyarani

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