Acid Reflux Symptoms in Men

Acid reflux disease is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD). It is a chronic health condition where the stomach acids that are responsible for the digestion of the food we eat, are pushed back in the esophagus or food pipe. As a result, the lining of the esophagus may suffer extensive damages and lead to a burning feeling in the chest region. Even though it can affect both men and women, it has been found that more number of men tend to suffer acid reflux disease. Their lifestyle and habits like smoking and consumption of alcohol often make them more susceptible to this disease. Sometimes, acid reflux symptoms in men bother them for a short timespan and at other times, it can last for long hours.

Acid Reflux Symptoms in Men

Symptoms of acid reflux disease often vary in individual cases. Here are a few of the most commonly observed symptoms of acid reflux found in men:

Heartburn: This is one of the most common symptoms of acid reflux in men. It can be described as a sharp burning sensation felt in the area that lies in between the base of the throat to the end of the breast bone. This symptom tends to get aggravated with eating, sleeping or lying flat and bending. If the heartburn turns serious, then it results in piercing pain in the chest.

Swallowing Difficulty: Many people complain that they find it difficult to swallow due to acid reflux in the esophagus. While swallowing food, some may experience throat pain and chest pain. Others get a feeling that the food got stuck in the chest region. This is one such symptom that should not be ignored and a doctor needs to be consulted for proper treatment.

Dyspepsia: This condition is often reported by patients as an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach. It gives a sense of fullness in the stomach and frequent burping, because of which, patients lose interest in eating. Sometimes, they may even feel nauseous after eating anything. If this symptom occurs quite frequently, then one should check out with the doctor.

Abdominal Pain: This acid reflux symptom tends to recur again and again. Its severity can vary from time to time. Sometimes, abdominal pain could be mild and get better on its own. At other times, it could give a feeling of a badly pulled muscle in the stomach.

Other Symptoms: Sore throat and frequent cough are two other symptoms that are noticed mostly in the early stages of acid reflux disease. A bile reflux happens after which the patient starts vomiting bile. This leaves a sore taste in mouth can get extended to the throat as well.

Ways to Treat Acid Reflux in Men

Acid reflux disease often requires treatment for a long period of time. For this reason, people prefer home treatment over medicinal treatment for this problem. Here are a few effective ways to control the symptoms:

Aloe Vera Juice: The natural medicinal properties of aloe vera have a soothing effect on the inflamed esophagus. Take two teaspoon of aloe vera juice in the morning after you finish your breakfast. It should be taken everyday and only after eating something. This will reduce the frequency of the symptoms to a large extent.

Licorice Root: This is available in the form of tablets which need to be chewed before eating the daily meals. It can control the production of stomach acids due to presence of a substance named mucin in it. Thus, the chances of acid reflux goes down.

Herbal Tea: Prepare a herbal tea with the help of peppermint, aniseed and lavender herbs. Take equal quantities of all three herbs and soak them in two cups of water for around ten minutes. Strain out the herbs and add some honey into the tea. Thus, your herbal tea is ready. You have to drink this tea two times daily, in the morning and after having dinner. This tea helps to lower the stomach acids.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Even though apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature, it works wonders on the symptoms of apple cider vinegar. Take half glass of water and add one teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar into eat. Take this mixture in small sips when you are eating a heavy meal.

In general, acid reflux symptoms in men does not cause any serious health complications. However, one should not ignore them and delay the treatment, as it can cause scarring in the esophagus. Do not start any self treatment with over the counter medicines without consulting your doctor. When you are undergoing acid reflux treatment, you must follow a healthy lifestyle in order to get best results.

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