Pain Above Knee

Knees are the joints which connect the lower part of the legs to the thighs. The knee cap is one of the largest and most complicated joints in the human body. The knee supports the entire weight of the body and due to this reason, the knees are prone to injury and other knee problems. Knee pain, especially pain above knee plagues people from all walks of like, be it athletes or sports persons, working people and homemakers. Pain above knee is often experienced in runners so it is also known as runners knee or patellofemoral pain syndrome. Experiencing pain above knee or in any other region surrounding the knee can be very bothersome as it causes a hindrance to the daily chores and makes even basic movements painful.

The symptoms of pain above knee are inflammation and a feeling of stiffness in the affected region. A grinding or crunching sound, sometimes felt like a click, can also be noticed. Let's look into the details of pain above knee with the causes and treatments.

Pain Above Knee: Causes

There are many reasons if an individual is experiencing pain above knee. A few causes of pain above knee are mentioned as under:

  • Arthritis: The inflammation of the knee joints can cause severe knee pain. This pain, caused due to arthritis, occurs due to stiffness in the joints that can worsen due to over exertion or under pressure. More on arthritis symptoms in knee.
  • Chrondomalacia Patellae: Chrondomalacia patellae is a condition where the cartilage of the knee cap becomes soft. The softening of the knee cap puts pressure on the area surrounding the knee cap which can trigger pain even if there is a slight movement. This condition usually affects people who are above 40 years of age.
  • Displacement of the Knee Cap: Displacement or dislocation of the knee cap is caused due to over pressure or over exertion of the knee cap. A dislocated kneecap is the result of rubbing of the knee cap against the thigh bone. The pain caused due to this condition usually occurs above the front or center of the knee. The individual may also experience pain above knee when squatting.
  • Muscle Pull: At times, the muscles around the knee tend to get pulled due to a bad posture or sprain causing a dull, aching pain above knee. If the pain continues for more than one week then it is an indication of a serious condition that may require prompt medical attention.
  • Tendinitis: Tendinitis is a condition where the tendons in the knee get inflamed or strained. The symptoms of tendinitis are swelling and a feeling of stiff joints in the knee. If pain above knee is experienced continuously for more than a month, then it may be an indication of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Other Causes: Some other causes of experiencing pain above knee are obesity, injury or trauma caused due to an accident or rigorous sport, overuse of the joint and aging.
Pain Above Knee: Methods of Treatment

If the individual experiences pain above knee due to obesity, then it is advisable to follow a proper diet plan and exercise regimen to reduce the excess weight. Applying cold or hot packs to the affected area will provide relief. There are also many knee exercises specially designed for people who suffer from arthritis. But these exercises must be followed under the guidance and supervision of a physiotherapist or a physical trainer. There are plenty of over the counter medication and painkillers that may be prescribed by a doctor to reduce the inflammation and pain above knee.

If you experience persistent and severe pain above knee, consult an orthopedic who may take an X-ray of the affected region and diagnose the exact cause of the pain. Wish you good health!

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