Toxic Black Mold

Black mold is a fungus grown in warm areas, where the percentage of humidity is higher than the average level. Classified under the genus Strachybotrys , it is found in different colors, other than black. The ideal growing place for toxic black mold is the basement, bathroom, leaky roofs, water pipes and walls of old houses. Prolonged exposure to this fungus can lead to several health conditions, based on the intensity of exposure, mold species and general health of the person.

Information on Toxic Black Mold

Black mold problems are common in old homes and houses with leakage problems. Hence, those residing in any of such conditions should consider testing for presence of molds and mildews. Failure to detect in the early stages cause spreading of this dreadful fungus to other areas in the house, which in turn will cause poisoning symptoms to the residents. Various aspects concerning toxic black mold problems are highlighted below:

Toxic Black Mold Health Effects

The toxic black mold health risks are many, ranging from mild treatable conditions to chronic medical complications. According to health experts, molds and their spores are the leading causes of allergies in humans. Other health effects are invasive diseases and mycotoxicosis. When exposed to high concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by molds, a person may exhibit a wide range of irritation responses.

Toxic Black Mold Exposure

Speaking about toxic black mold exposure, the main routes for getting exposed to black mold are direct skin contact, inhalation of spores and ingestion of the same, when they come in contact with edible food items. Toxic black mold exposure symptoms in humans are skin conditions, headache, anxiety, hair loss, mental problems, respiratory disorders, numbness and body ache among others.

Toxic Black Mold Symptoms

The symptoms of black mold poisoning are so many that they are grouped together as a syndrome. Also, the severity of the manifested signs depend on the sensitivity of the individual towards the fungus. Like for example; young children, sick people and those who have respiratory diseases will react more seriously than healthy adults. Accordingly, the severity of toxic black mold syndrome may vary from one person to another.

Toxic Black Mold Testing

Nowadays, mold testing kits and black mold treatment products are sold in the home supply centers. In case of any suspected signs, a homeowner is suggested to perform toxic mold testing procedures as soon as possible. The test may involve visual identification or analyzing air samples. It is also crucial to perform mold spores test, while buying a new house or shifting to a new home, especially if it is an old building.

Toxic Black Mold Removal

Gather information on mold removal and you will come across many methods, including home remedies and usage of chemical products. Mild cases can be dealt with do-it-yourself instructions; while heavy mold infestation requires hiring professional services. Using an air purifier, installing a dehumidifier, regular fumigation and keeping the house warm are effective approaches to control growth of mold in the house.

In the medical data, the occurrence rate of toxic black mold poisoning is very high. And toxic black mold removal is the sole remedy to prevent probable health conditions. Failure to do so will cause prolonged exposure to molds and ultimately, risking to severe diseases. Also, every responsible homeowner should make a point to check for presence of mold on a regular basis. Professional mold testing may cost about USD 300. But, hiring a professional service is worth the cost, rather than getting exposed to black mold and risking oneself to the associated health problems.

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