Food That Fight Fat


You've heard of value for your money.Soups give you very good value for the calories.
They are filling and satistying ; a bowl of soup can be an entire meal. For many people,
they are more satisfying than raw vegetables, while many give you all the benefits of veggies
(if you choose the soups full of vegetables). They are inexpensive, convenient, easy, and quick to make.
Soups don't make you feel like you're on a diet. Above all, soups are versatille. They can serve as a snack,
as a cooking ingredient; all fruits and vegetable - raw, cooked, fresh, frozen and canned.
Avoid any packaged fruits that have added sugar. Otherwise, the more fruits and vegetables you eat, the better.

Dressings and Dips

We recommend fat-free or light dressing and dips. The light category - low-fat, reduced- fat, and low calories
is midway between totally fat-free and regular, and it's often more pleasing to the plate than fat-free.
Dressings can be used as all purpose condiments, dips, toppings, even cooking liquids. They already
contain a mixture of ingredients, so just slather them on vegetables, seafood, and anything else.
Or cook with them to make up for the lack ok butter or oil.


Yup, candy. The real thing - not the dietetic variety is best when your sweet tooth starts aching.
Dietetic candies have almost as many calories as regular candies, often lack flavour, and are
an incentive to eat more. Stick to the real thing. Chewing gum or gum balls: any and all.
Hard candy : any and all, including sour balls, candy canes, lollipops.

Frozen Desserts

Any fat-free frozen yogurt, frozen nondiary substiture, or sorbet is a fine addition to the freezer.
Try the lower-calorie choices. Here are some examples:
Soft serve: up to 25 calories per ounce.
Hard pack: up to 115 calories per 1/2-cup serving.
Frozen bars: any others containing up to 45 calories per bar.
Individually packaged frozen bars: up to 110 calories each.


Make it a point to eat starchy, crunchy snacks only in conjunction with any fruit or vegetable.
For example, have fruit with popcorn or soup with crackers.
Fill up on the former, and go easy on the starchy snack.

Protein Foods

Legumes: beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas.
seafood: fresh (do not fry!), smoked, canned and frozen.

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Treat Yourself


There are various natural headache remedies to try, but the best one is the common old lemon.

Squeeze the juice from one and put it into a cup of hot tea.

This gives immediate relief and also tastes very nice, too!

Or peel the rind off one and mash it into a paste. Apply it to your forehead and within minutes, your headache will disappear.

Cold Sores

Ice is an ideal remedy, as it not only clears the infection, it also numbs the stinging pain that goes with it. Just put an ice cube on the infected area of the lip and rub it gently for a few minutes. Repeat this every hour or so. Tea bags are another, almost pain-free option. Place a warm one on the sore and hold it there for 30 minutes. Repeat this every few hours and within a couple of days, the cold sore will be gone.


There’s nothing worse than toothache when you can’t get to a dentist or a pharmacy.

But, if you pain relief. Its anti-bacterial properties make it the perfect cure for tooth pain.

Chewing a raw one for a few minutes kills any germs in the mouth.

To cure toothache, simply place a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or surrounding gum area and leave for a few minutes. The pain will disappear


Dandruff is caused by a number of things including being run-down, using harsh Shampoos and a poor diet. Specialist hair products can be expensive, so instead rinse your hair with the juice of a lime after washing your hair with a mild shampoo. For best results, don’t wash the lime juice out. Or try cider vinegar. Again, use this after you’ve rinsed the shampoo from your hair.

Toenail Infections

applied undiluted We’ve all done it – squished our tootsies into too-tight shoes, resulting in toenail infection. The latest over-the-counter creams available can cost a lot.
But you can cure any foot infections, including fungus and athlete’s foot, for a fraction of that tea-tree oil is a natural antiseptic and fungicide and can be direct on the toenail for infections, or blended with a little olive oil and rubbed into the foot area.

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Refresh your Beauty Regime

Just a few simple updates can transform and modernize your look-and give you awhole new lease of life.The experts share their beauty- boosting secrets.

Trade the safety of a classic bob for a playful pixie crop or choose a striking shade of lipstick instead of the usual subtle gloss. You’d be surprised at how you can penetrate beyond your reflection in the mirror.

Our outer appearance is deeply bound in with our inner emotions.Here are tips to help you instantly update your look.

Get Curl Conscious

A change in texture is the quickest way to update any hairstyle. Wearing your hair with a loose, relaxed curl immediately lifts your features and gives your overall look a youthful softness.

Stroke a curl-defining lotion through dry hair and twist sections of hair around a heated hair wand.

Avoid looking too “done” by alternating the direction and positioning of your curls, and then finish with a light mist of a holding spray.

Make Matt Matter

Matt nails are one of the biggest trends this season but, instead of investing in a new collection of polishes. Shape your nails, paint with your favourite nail colour and finish with a mattifying top coat.

Keep nails well groomed with this portable kit, which contains a nail file, polish remover sachets and moisturizer.

Experiment With Your Eyes

A smoky eye instantly transforms your appearance but, if you find safety in a palette of neutral colours, this winter’s softer, more wearable, glossy, smoldering look could be for you. Using a fluffy shadow brush, buff a black-fused shade of creamy kohl pencil between lashes, blend with a cotton bud and then finish with a coat of black mascara.

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